Register for Flute Camp
Tuition through March 15
$420 – one week
$840 – two weeks
Tuition after March 15
$460 – one week
$920 – two weeks
Pay in Full -or- 50% Deposit
Deposit balance due by May 1
Registration fee: $25
(non-refundable unless not accepted)
Due date:
Discount: March 15, 2025
Regular: May 1, 2025
(earlier application is helpful!)
Audition: See Audition Information below.
Scholarships available: Express your interest on the registration form.

Benefits of two weeks:
- Make a big jump in your musical progress as you master challenging music
- Deepen friendships with more bonding opportunities
- Be proud of preparing a higher quality performance
- More opportunities for fun!
- Less summer schedule stress with a 2-week routine
2025 Auditions
- After you register for Flute-a-rama, please send a video-recorded audition.
- At Flute-a-rama Summer Camp students break out into ensemble groups and play with others at their level. We want you to thrive with your peers, so this audition helps us determine which group will be happiest for you and allows us to give you music that will help you play well and improve.
- If you study with Carrie or Melissa you do not have to submit an audition video.
Audition Requirements
Record a video of yourself playing the scales and excerpts at the level that represents your current playing ability:
Scale: C major 1 octave OR F major 2 octave scale
Scales: E-flat major OR G major (2 octaves, slurred if possible)
AND a 2 octave chromatic scale
Scales: B-flat major + E major (2 octaves, slurred sixteenth notes)
AND a 3 octave chromatic scale
In addition to the required excerpt / scales, you may also submit a piece of your choice
Due date
Audition videos are due by May 1, 2025. They can be submitted at any time in the application process and are helpful early!
Minimum level for participation in Flute-a-rama:
(1) At least one year of study at time of application or recommendation of private teacher.
(2) Student must be able to consistently produce a tone up to C just above the staff, and play a one octave C scale.
(3) For reference, student must be able to play this beginner excerpt.
If you are not yet at this level, we invite you to join us next year!
If you have any doubt about whether you meet the playing level requirements, please contact us.
How to send a video
Send us (1) a link to a YouTube video or (2) a link to a video uploaded to Google drive.
To send the link you can use this form or reply to a previous email that you have received from us. Please contact us if you need help.